Parsnip and Carrot Puree

1 lb parsnips
1 lb carrots
1 russet potato, about 8oz
Ghee or butter for finishing
Sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

Peel the parsnips and slice into rounds. Scrub the carrots and slice into rounds about half as thick as the parsnip rounds. Peel the potato and cut into chunks. Put all the vegetables into a pot, add water, to cover and a few teaspoons salt, and bring to a boil. Lower the heat to a simmer and cook until the vegetables are tender, 15-20 mins if they haven't been cut too thick. Test with a paring knife to make sure they are fairly soft.

Scoop the vegetables out of the pot with a slotted spoon and puree them in a food processor with enough of the cooking water to loosen the mixture. When the mixture is as smooth as you want it, scrape it into a bowl and whisk in ghee to taste. Taste for salt, season with pepper, and serve.

With herbs: Brighten the surface with a topping of minced parsley, fine carrot greens, or finely slivered chives -- or all three.

With green onions: Cook a bunch of chopped green onions, including the firm parts of their greens, in the ghee before adding it to the puree.

With spice: Add 1 t ground cumin, 1/2 t ground coriander, and 1/2 t ground ginger to the ghee.

(From Deborah Madison's book Vegetable Literacy)